Tuesday, January 31, 2006



Look at Colin! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! He has a funny shirt on. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!! !!! Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee!!! Okay, now look at the pretty hair! Not! Heh Heh Heh Heh heh!!He is soo not cool! Just Kidding! Hey, He's my brother, not some fat lard!! So, Too bad, misr. Not Nice Guy!!!! Tooo BAADDD FOUR YOU!!! Oops. It's not four as in 4, but for as in for you. Oh well!!! Just so you know, it says Tina, you fat lard... come get some dinner!! Hee Ha Hee Ha!!!!

Monday, January 30, 2006



Hello, All! As I hope you know, I'm restarting this club, and in order to remember it, I'm making this blog. I hope you all got your SSSNs, or Secret Secret Special Notes, today or yesterday or someotherday. If you haven't, I will probally get you one soon. First off, our first meeting will be at the dance, as I assume you all are going. It won't take long, and if you can't be there, I will post the news on this blog. Okay, As you know, in SSSNs, I am Mr. Fuz, but also on here. Amanda, if it's ok, you are ASR of the Amazon, or ASR for short. Kayla, you are Cookie, Kenzi, you're Frosty, Robin- Binor, Leah- Miss. DolphinCrazed, and if anyone else wants to join, it will be a group desion. If anyone has a problem with the nicknames, just let me know. Bye!

-Mr. Fuz

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